CHI Home Access

Implementation of specialty keying systems increases home safety & security for our tenants by preventing unauthorized copies of keys.

Tenant/Guardian (T/G) Key Terms

  1. Initial Tenant/Guardian keys are issued at no cost.
  2. Person(s) receiving key(s) are responsible for the Creative Housing key(s) issued.
    1. Key(s) issued to must be returned at time of move out and/or Guardian status change.
  3. If a key is damaged, it must be returned to Creative Housing at 2233 Citygate Drive for a replacement.
  4. House and multi-unit building keys may only be issued by Creative Housing – Copies are not permitted.
  5. Mailbox keys may not be copied and may be issued only by ☐ Creative Housing or ☐ USPS. 
  6. Loss or theft of key(s) must be immediately reported to Creative Housing.
  7. Costs associated with the following may be assessed to Tenant:
    1. Replacement of any lost key: $50.00.
    2. Replacement of key damaged due to neglect or intentional damage: $50.00.
    3. Rekeying of the building due to lost key: Direct costs, minimum $325.00.
      1. Warning: Multi-unit buildings may require re-keying of all building and units.
    4. Rekeying of the building pursuant to non-return of key(s): Direct costs, minimum $325.00.
      1. Warning: Multi-unit buildings may require re-keying of all building and units.
    5. Charges associated with service calls related to unauthorized copies of keys: Direct costs.

Tenant is receiving a ☐ house ☐ multi-unit building ☐ mailbox keyT/G Initials

Guardian is receiving a ☐ house ☐ multi-unit building ☐ mailbox key.T/G Initials

Release of Keys to Family Member(s)

  1. Tenant/Guardian shall be charged $50 per key issued to Family Member(s)
  2. Tenant/Guardian shall receive key(s) from CHI and distribute to Family Member(s)
  3. Tenant/Guardian are responsible for CHI key(s) issued to Family Member(s), terms 2-7 above apply

The following Family Members are authorized to have a key: T/G Initials


Release of Key(s) to Provider

If initialed, the Provider serving Tenant has permission for one key in a tethered lockbox, until revoked in writing, to promote safe & efficient services for the Tenant. Provider is responsible 

for lockbox management and costs associated of replacement key(s) and lockbox. T/G Initials

Tenant Signature Guardian of ☐Person ☐Estate ☐Limited Signature


Office Use Only:

Issuance of: ☐ Initial Key ☐ Replacement Key ☐ Family Key

Key#:       Qty:      Key#:       Qty:      Key#:       Qty:       Distributed by:      Charge: $